Do you know any pensioners in Mount Alexander Shire with a pension card and no solar? Or are you one?
If so, check out the Solar Savers program which is being delivered across Central Victoria – including our Shire – through a collaboration of 20 councils and Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance, together with funding support from State Government.
But don’t delay as the last date for signing up is coming up soon – Tuesday 31st October.
Call the Solar Savers team on (03) 9385 8512 or visit www.solarsavers.org.au.
The program works by offering pensioners a special low-interest loan that has no upfront costs and is gradually paid off over 10 years by power bill savings.
“Solar Savers is a fantastic program that helps pensioners to not only save money, but also lower their carbon footprint,” said Ben Bowman, Manager Healthy Environments, Mount Alexander Shire Council.
“It is anticipated that every participating household will be at least $100 better off at the end of each year than they would be without the solar system,” said Mr Bowman.
“This means that after the ten year loan period, each household is at least $1,000 better off and owns a solar system outright,” he said.
The solar system brings peace of mind to pensioners to help them stay comfortable in extreme heat by running their fan or air conditioner without so much concern about the electricity bill.
“We know that pensioners have a lot to gain from solar power – many own their homes and use most of their power when the sun is shining,” said Mr Bowman.
“We encourage you or your loved ones to make the most of this opportunity and sign up before the cut-off date of Tuesday 31 October,” he said.
This is not a project through the Hub Foundation or the MASH community solar bulk-buy but it is a project that we fully support.
We encourage anyone who thinks that they may be eligible to get in touch with the Solar Savers team on (03) 9385 8512 or www.solarsavers.org.au.