Windarring’s Day Service in Castlemaine – which provides support and opportunities for people with disabilities – is the latest community group to benefit from free solar from the MASH community solar bulk-buy. The 6.48kW solar PV system is expected to save Windarring up to $2,500 off their first year’s electricity bill and around $67,000 over 20 years.
Windarring celebrates news of free solar from MASH community bonus fund, August 2018.
A great example of community collaboration
Fundraising for the 24 panel system was an example of true community collaboration”, said Jo Kaptein, manager of the MASH community solar bulk-buy. The largest contribution came from the MASH community bonus fund with the remainder from The Hub Foundation, Castlemaine State Festival and Windarring.
Solar to help Windarring be more financially self-sustaining
Inside the ‘Urban Mushroom Farm’ at Windarring’s Barker Street premises, Castlemaine
Solar will help make our operations more financially self-sustaining,” said Mark Castle, Employment Pathways Manager at Windarring.
Over 40 people access our services each week, at our Barker Street Centre, in addition to this we accommodate an after school program each evening. Our new ‘Urban Mushroom’ social enterprise is also located at this site which has increased our overall power consumption,” said Mark.
Solar will supply around 43 percent of electricity needs
The service’s electricity bills are highest in the peak of winter as the heating and cooling is all-electric. It is anticipated that 43 percent of the site’s electricity needs will be met by solar.
We are looking to have a smart meter installed, so can tell how much power is being used in the mushroom farm compared to the rest of the building, said Mark.
Bill savings will help mushroom farm grow – and create more jobs
Bill savings from the solar will be used to offset the cost of the mushroom farm and allow it to grow.
In twelve month’s time, our plan is to increase production tenfold which will allow us to provide more paid employment for people with disabilities in our region. Having solar is really going to help us power up!, said Mark.
Windarring – a stand-out application
“We received thirteen applications from community groups and schools for this grant,” said Jo. “Windarring’s application stood out because the benefit to the Service from the bill savings was so strong and would help secure the long-term financial viability of their mushroom growing initiative.”
To learn more about MASH, visit or call 1300 466 274.
The Castlemaine Lions Club has just got lucky with a new 5.4kW solar system that cost them only $1,260. The rest of the system was paid for with a $1,400 donation from the MASH community solar bulk-buy and a $3,000 grant from Mount Alexander Shire Council’s community grants program.
A three-way partnership gets a good result for solar and the environment. From L to R: Mayor Bronwen Machin, Mount Alexander Shire Council, Ken McKimmie, Vice President the Lions Castlemaine, Jo Kaptein, Project Officer, The Hub Foundation and the MASH project. Photo Credit: Ashley Tracey
But the luckiest winner is the local community. That’s because the savings from lower electricity bills will go straight back to local groups – to the tune of around $1,000 per year for the next 25 years.
“We went solar for two reasons, to support renewable energy and to save money, said Ken McKimmie, Vice President of the Lions Castlemaine. “We use a fair bit of power to run the fridges and vans for our catering and we want to become more energy efficient. We got in touch with MASH to get a quote and were rapt – not only was the quote competitive but the MASH team said they’d be happy to chip in to bring down the cost. This is a terrific win for our community. Thanks MASH and thanks Council!
“We love the work the Lions does in our community”, said Jo Kaptein, Project Officer at the Hub Foundation in Castlemaine, the not-for-profit organisers of the MASH community solar bulk-buy. “They raise around $60,000-$70,000 each year which is distributed to local groups to support those in need within our community, as well as good causes. We had some money in our community bonus kitty from the current round of MASH and we thought the Lions would be a very worthy recipient. It’s great to know that every cent saved by going solar is going straight back to our community.”
The Lions solar installation is the sixth solar system donated to community groups and schools through the MASH community solar bulk-buy. Other recipients of MASH community bonus systems are Castlemaine North Primary School (5.4kW), Newstead Community Centre (5kW), Newham Primary School (5kW) and Castlemaine Housing Service (4kW).
The system was installed by Solargain, a large Australian-owned solar company responsible for installations for the most recent round of the MASH community solar bulk-buy. Approval for the installation has been received from Heritage Victoria as the Lions Club Castlemaine is on land that has a heritage overlay. For more information about MASH visit
Students and staff at Castlemaine North Primary School turned out in force to celebrate the recent installation of a free 5.4kW solar system on their school. This system is funded by a donation from the MASH community solar bulk-buy. It is expected to significantly cut the school’s electricity bills with the savings directly benefiting students and staff.
Castlemaine North Primary School students think MASH is great
“We plan to install a shade structure over the deck outside the Grade 5/6 classrooms and some of the bill savings from going solar may go towards this project,” said Cheryl Neilson, President of the Castlemaine North Primary School Council.
“There’s a green bonus for the school too”, said Jo Kaptein, Project Officer at the Hub Foundation, the not-for-profit organiser of the MASH bulk-buy. “The system is expected to reduce the school’s carbon footprint by cutting CO2 emissions by around 8 tonnes each year; equal to around 30 fewer cars on our roads over the next 20 years.”
“Sustainability is a big focus for us”, said Karen Seaton, Principal at Castlemaine North Primary School. “We are working towards becoming a ResourceSmart School which means embedding sustainability in everything we do. This new solar system fits perfectly with our environmental strategy and we thank the Hub Foundation – as well as MASH customers – for helping us become cleaner and greener in our operations.”
The system was installed by Sunergy, a Bendigo based solar company responsible for installations for MASH round 3. It represents the successful outcome of MASH round 3 and delivers the community bonus aspect of the MASH program – a free 5.4kW system on a school or community building for every 100 new MASH solar homes.
The Castlemaine North Primary School installation is the fifth solar system donated to schools and community groups through the MASH community solar bulk-buy. Other recipients of MASH community bonus systems are Newstead Community Centre (5kW), Newham Primary School (5kW) and Castlemaine Housing Service (4kW).
About the Hub Foundation
The Hub Foundation is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee. It was set up in 2014 to help reduce the Mount Alexander Shire’s – and the planet’s – CO2 emissions through a range of projects including MASH, short for ‘More Australian Solar Homes’.
MASH is a community solar bulk-buy project which has cut emissions by around 4,000 tonnes a year (equal to around 780 cars off the road) by installing over 10,000 solar panels on more than 700 homes (as of Sept 2017). This is saving residents around $500,000 off their electricity bills each year.
Through the MASH community bonus, 20kW of free solar systems have been installed on local community buildings and schools with the most recent being a free 5.4kW system on Castlemaine North Primary School.
For more information about MASH and to register your interest, visit or call 1300 466 274.
Adults from L-R: Daria Healy-Aarons, Chair, Castlemaine Childcare Centre, Ray West, Educator, Castlemaine Childcare Centre, Jo Kaptein, the Hub Foundation, and Kristy Broadhurst, Kindergarten teacher, Castlemaine Childcare Centre
Thousands of green electricity customers around Australia have chosen to support community energy projects by contributing a bit extra when paying their bills – and Castlemaine Childcare Centre, also known as Carinya, is one of the lucky recipients.
Solar to cut electricity bill by around half
A grant of $10,000 from Powershop, Australia’s greenest electricity retailer, will go towards a new solar installation on the Centre helping them cut their electricity bill by around half. “Carinya was chosen to receive $10,000 because they are highly regarded amongst their local community for providing quality education services. What’s more, they are totally committed to sustainability, and the solar installation is part of their wider energy efficiency program,” said Ed McManus, Powershop CEO.
“Powershop customers have collectively contributed more than $100,000 to support local green energy projects which proves how important renewable energy is to customers,” said Ed.
Hub Foundation and MASH helped make it happen
The new solar installation is supported in partnership with Castlemaine not-for-profit, The Hub Foundation, which is committed to helping reduce the shire’s and the planet’s CO2 emissions. Hub initiatives include the MASH community solar bulk buy project which has installed 10,000 solar panels in the region, cutting CO2 emissions by around 4,000 tonnes annually.
Solar to power new split systems, improving comfort levels
Daria Healy-Aarons, Chair of the Management Committee said “Being a not-for-profit childcare centre with 120 children enrolled, we value the money parents invest in their children’s care and education. Not only will the 10.73kW solar system cut our power bills – it will also provide the extra free, clean power we need to move forward with our other energy efficiency projects. We want to do things like put in new split systems to improve the comfort levels in all the rooms and now we can in the knowledge that they’ll be powered largely by the sun.
“This Powershop grant came about because of the Hub Foundation and MASH,” said Daria. “We knew we could do with more solar as our electricity bills were so high so we got in touch with Jo Kaptein at the Hub who put two and two together – literally. We’re thrilled that this has happened, and so quickly.”
Powershop is searching for its next Your Community Energy projects. If you know of a not-for-profit community group that needs a cash injection, send us an email at
For more information about the MASH community solar bulk-buy, which is currently open for registrations, visit
About Powershop Australia
Melbourne based Powershop Australia powers more than 90,000 homes and businesses across Victoria, New South Wales and South East Qld. Powershop’s parent company, Meridian Energy Australia is the owner-operator of two wind farms in Australia (Mount Mercer in Victoria and Mount Millar in South Australia).
If you switch using this link, then a small contribution is paid by Powershop to the Hub Foundation to support our work on the MASH solar bulk-buy project and our other work to help tackle climate change locally.
In case you don’t know much about Powershop, here’s nine reasons to love them:
They’ve been ranked #1 retailer on Canstar Blue’s Most Satisfied Customer – Electricity Providers Victoria for two years running (2015 & 2016)
They love solar! Solar customers at Powershop receive the same great rates and discounts as non-solar customers, along with an 8.2c/kWh feed-in tariff.
They’re Australia’s greenest power company (Greenpeace Green Electricity Guide 2014 & 2015)
They’re Australia’s first and only 100% certified carbon neutral electricity retailer
They have super competitive rates, plus no credit card fees
They offer great discounts off usage AND supply charges
They don’t lock you into contracts or charge exit fees
They have an awesome smartphone app and online usage tools
They provide monthly online billing to avoid bill shock
About Castlemaine Childcare Centre
Castlemaine Childcare Co-operative is a not-for-profit community co-operative situated in the heart of Castlemaine in Central Victoria. They operate a 60-place long day care centre called ‘Carinya’ for children between the ages of six weeks and five years of age, including kinder and pre-kinder programs.
They also manage Family Day Care, a network of educators who provide programs for under school age and school age children in their own homes and local schools.
The co-operative was founded by a group of parents in 1982. Since then it has continued to be run by a committee of management made up of parents. At least one adult member from each family must become a member of the Co-operative on enrolment and buy one share at the cost of $1. Only members can nominate for positions on the committee.
The co-operative is committed to sustainability and lessening their impact on the environment and with the funding from Your Community Energy they will be able to install a 10kW solar system to significantly reduce their electricity costs by an estimated 50%.