Hepburn Shire is aiming to become 100% powered by renewables under the Z-NET Pilot and a new community solar bulk-buy is a key part of this initiative. Residents are invited to learn more about these exciting projects by coming to one of the six Open House events that will be held across the Shire between 14-25 June.
Reserve your place at https://znet.eventbrite.com or call 1300 466 274
Learn about the ‘big picture’ – and be part of it!
The Open House events provide a great opportunity to learn about the ‘big-picture’ initiative to get Hepburn Shire powered by renewables through the Z-NET Hepburn Shire project.
Come to a presentation about the new Hepburn Solar Bulk-Buy
At each event, there will also be at least one formal presentation about the new Hepburn Solar and Battery Bulk-Buy that’s already proving extremely popular with residents.
Project manager of the Z-NET pilot stated “This is the community’s opportunity to drop in, review the carbon emissions profile and put forward any project ideas. We will have presentations from the Hepburn Solar Bulk-Buy and a range of information available about energy audits and other opportunities.”
The people of Hepburn Shire love solar!
“The people of Hepburn Shire seem to love solar, said Jo Kaptein, Program Lead, Hepburn Solar Bulk-buy. Since the bulk-buy launched in mid April, already over 60 households have purchased a solar PV system through the bulk-buy with around ten also investing in a Tesla Powerwall 2 home battery storage system. “We get told time and time again by Hepburn Shire residents that they really like the fact that they can buy through a trusted organisation that’s supported by Hepburn Shire Council and Hepburn Wind as they’re sick of the hard-sell tactics that are rife in the solar industry.”
60 systems in just 40 days!
These first 60 systems, once installed, will add a further 360kW of solar generation capacity, helping propel Hepburn Shire towards its goal of zero-net emissions. This investment in rooftop solar, will cut CO2 emissions by around 500 tonnes annually (equal to around 100 fewer cars on the roads each year).
The Z-NET pilot is also to provide information and support for community members, businesses and industry that want to receive energy audits.
“Energy efficiency is a simple way for households and businesses to make a big dint in their electricity bills. It’s often a really simple way to achieve a big outcome” said Taryn Lane.
Event details
The Open House events will be held at the Daylesford Town Hall (14-15 June), Glenlyon Shire Hall (19 June), Creswick Town Hall (20 June), Clunes Warehouse (22 June) and Trentham Mechanics Institute (25 June). All events will run from 12noon-7pm with the solar bulk-buy presentations at 12.30pm and again at 5.30pm at each event. The exception is Glenlyon where the Open House will run from 2.30pm-6.30pm with the solar bulk-buy presentation starting at 5pm.
For more details and to reserve your place, visit https://znet.eventbrite.com or call 1300 466 274