Vivid Swan Hill will get a free new solar system thanks to Mallee Sun Solar Bulk Buy. It is the first free system for a community group thanks to the bulk buy – a partnership between Swan Hill Rural City Council and the Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance (CVGA).
Solar savings of around $1,500 a year – help fund new life skills program
The 18-panel, 5.94kW system will save Vivid about $1,500 off its annual electricity bill. The panels will be installed on the roof at Vivid’s premises in Harrods Lane, Swan Hill.
Vivid will use the electricity bill savings to help fund a new life skills program for their participants, called ‘Seed to Plate’. A wide range of activities are run at this site each week for 50 adults with disability, supported by around 20 staff.
“This project is an exciting initiative developed by Vivid to engage the people we support in the process of creating an edible garden”, said Maree Miliano, Vivid’s Regional Manager for Mallee.
“Participants learn to grow, harvest, cook and eat healthy food in a fun, hands‐on and supported way. We’ve rolled out this program in Echuca and Kerang and now we can’t wait for the solar savings to kick in so we can get it started here in Swan Hill.”
Great to have community support
“It is great to know that this free solar system has come about due to the support of our local community and council,” said Maree. “We use around 50kWh of electricity a day. Our roof is perfect for solar – and it’s pretty big – so hopefully we can add more panels over time.”
Mallee Sun Solar Bulk Buy started in the Swan Hill municipality in July 2019, with a commitment to fund free community solar systems as local homes were connected.
Council pleased to see give back to community
Council and CVGA selected Vivid as the successful community group in the first round of free solar. A number of groups had applied.
“It’s fantastic that the clients of Vivid Hill are going to directly benefit from this solar gift,” Swan Hill Rural City Council Mayor Bill Moar said.
“And I love the idea of the ‘Seed to Plate’ program – this is a great result for Vivid and a great result for our community.
“We hope that this will be the first of a series of solar donations to community groups in our municipality through Mallee Sun Solar Bulk Buy.”
To learn more about the Mallee Sun Solar Bulk Buy, visit malleesunsolar.org.au or call 1300
466 274.
If you would like to register an interest in hearing about the next round of solar donations through the bulk-buy (likely to be midyear), please email jo@cvga.org.au.
About the Mallee Sun Solar Bulk Buy:
The Mallee Sun Solar Bulk Buy is a partnership between Rural City of Swan Hill and the Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance, a not-for-profit organisation that provides support to councils throughout central and north western Victoria to help drive action on climate change.
About Vivid:
Vivid provides support to people with intellectual disability. It is a not‐for‐profit organisation operating in Swan Hill, Kerang, Echuca and Kyabram. Visit wearevivid.org.au