Have you thought about going solar but looking for more information?
Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance in partnership with Swan Hill Rural City Council are holding a community information meeting at the Swan Hill Town Hall on Wednesday 25 February from 6.00-7.30pm.
Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance’s Jo Kaptein said that anyone thinking about ‘going solar’ or adding battery storage to their home or business is invited to come along and learn more.
“The meeting will provide attendees with the information they need to decide whether now is a good time to get solar installed or to invest in a battery,” she said.
Ms Kaptein said the evening presenters were from solar and battery bulk-buy – Mallee Sun Solar Bulk-Buy – which is owned and organised by the Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance.
“Mallee Sun Solar Bulk-Buy aims to encourage the uptake of more solar in the region, helping residents cut their electricity bills and reduce CO2 emissions,” she said.
Ms Kaptein said that community groups can also benefit with one percent of bulk-buy revenues being distributed to not-for-profit groups in the region in the form of free solar.
To learn more about Mallee Sun Solar Bulk-Buy and to register for this event, visit mash.org.au/swan-hill or call 1300 466 274.